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About Us


To educate African children and youth in Africa with an emphasis on Ghana. 


The recipients of these efforts reciporcating by demonstrating a healthy impact within their communities and globally. 


To break the cycle of poverty by focusing on primary education in rural areas of Africa.


To ensure that over 80% of sponsors' donations get to the children by leveraging on willing volunteers and cutting back on third parties.


A generous bunch of like-minded individuals who understand the power of education with a willingness and determination to empower children and youth to actualize their life goals.


Foundation for African Children Education (FACE) was started in 2006 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. It is a subsidiary of Focus on Africa Society which is a registered Canadian charity (CRA). FACE aims to provide opportunities for children in rural parts of Africa, who could otherwise not be able to go to school, to attend school.


Focus on Africa Society has created this division to strengthen its focus on early primary school education.


We emphasize rural areas because we believe that is where the need is greatest. The trickledown effect of development in the third world reaches the rural areas last in most cases.


How we deliver the kit

Each year, FACE organizes a group of volunteers to go to Africa. We have started with Ghana, West Africa. We go directly to the selected villages and meet one-on-one with the child and the parent. At this meeting, we counsel and encourage them and deliver the kit to the child and the lunch money to the parent. We also take a picture of the child to bring to you, the sponsor.

How we select the child


In each village, we have a selection committee made up of a retired school teacher or pastor and a community leader. This committee selects the children in advance of us getting to the village. The criteria for selecting the child is that he or she must be a primary school-age child (i.e. 5 to 12 years). The parents must be having some kind of financial difficulty.


In the past two years, most of the children selected by FACE have been orphans or ones with a single parent with the parent experiencing demonstrated financial difficulty.


Criteria for ongoing support of a child

The child must stay in school and selection committee members in the village have to certify that the parent was responsible for the kit and the lunch money given.



Our Founder

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George grew up in Ghana and immigrated to Canada in 1977 where he completed his MBA at the University of British Columbia and became a Certified General Accountant. He established a successful company and was the former Honorary Consul General of Ghana in BC for 12 years. George is the founder of F.A.C.E. He is also a board member of Eyes for the World (EFTW), a Canadian Charity dedicated to preventing blindness worldwide.

George Piprah, Committee Member

Don Wolfe, Committee Member

Don is a successful businessman in Vancouver, BC. He is originally from Jamaica and has been passionate about the plight of the underprivileged. He supports a group that feeds the homeless on the streets of Vancouver and is also a member of EFTW. 

Don Wolfe Face for Africa

Joseph Frimpong, Committee Member

Joseph founded Focus on Africa more than two decades ago because of his desire to help development efforts in Africa.  He is a graduate of BCIT and works as a technical manager at Shaw Cable Systems. Joseph Frimpong is the current Honorary Consul General of Ghana in BC.

Joseph Frimpong Face for Africa

Rohit Lal, Committee Member

Rohit is a successful businessman and West Coast Beauty Co Ltd co-owner. Rohit and his wife have been strong supporters of F.A.C.E since its inception and they play a huge part in our fundraising efforts.

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In Loving Memory

Suzanne Eyers, Former Committee Member


Suzanne went to Ajura, Ghana when she was in her early sixties and fell in love with the place. Her passion for the welfare of children showed everytime she remembered Ghana.

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